05 January 2011

Primitive Crows Grungy Hang Tags

Somewhere along the line, crows became a symbol of all things primitive. So you see them a lot in primitive crafting and home decor. I love the look of those black birds, especially when crafting. So here are some examples of some really simple primitive crow hang tags I created.

The first step begins with plain manila hang tags that you can buy at any craft store or even office supply store. Then these plain hang tags have to be grungy'd up to become primitive grungy goods. To see how to create your own grungy sauce mix and make grungy tags, just check out my Grungy Hang Tag Tutorial.

Once my tags are good and grungy and have dried completely, the next step is super easy:  I just use my favorite crow rubber stamp to create the image on the grungy hang tag. I make sure to ink up  my stamp well with black ink and then just stamp away. And the great thing about primitives is, if your stamp doesn't print perfectly, it's no big deal. Primitive isn't about perfection. It's simple and rustic, and that's all it needs to be!

I love making grungy hang tags. And I do more than just stamp on them. I use them for altered art projects and mixed media style art too.

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