10 January 2011

Apple Turnover Dough Ornies

Don't you just love apple turnovers? I sure do. And these almost look good enough to eat (though I don't recommend it). These are my Apple Turnover Dough Ornies. 

Apple Turnover Dough Ornies
I made these dough ornies using my Primitive Dough Recipe as usual.The trick to making them is just using a round biscuit cutter to cut out a large circle first. Then I just moisten the edges of the circle with a little water, to help the edges stick together, and then I fold the circle in half. Then I pinch the edges together on the rounded edge to make them look more like a turnover. And that's really all there is to it. Sometimes I'll sprinkle extra cinnamon on the tops of the turnovers too, to give them a little more color. And I usually dip these in apple pie scented wax to seal them and give them a light apple scent. These make great primitive bowl fillers too!

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