22 March 2011

Spring Primitives Link Party

I took a week off from our Tattered Sisters Tuesday Challenge primitive link party last week. Just had too much going on. Sometimes I'll need to take a break, but I do enjoy hosting these so I hope you'll continue to participate. This week's link party theme is Spring Primitives. You can post anything that is primitive and spring in its theme. Maybe you want to post some primitive spring home decor, or a primitive spring craft project you've created recently (or in the past--it doesn't have to be new). As long as it's primitive AND spring related, we'd love for you to join the party! Also, keep in mind, we will be having an Easter themed link party in April, so if you have Easter goodies to share, you might want to save them for that link party instead of this one. But you can certainly post Easter items here if you like!

Tattered Sisters Tuesday

Please remember to follow our Tuesday Link Party rules. I really don't like when I have to delete entries because the rules weren't followed. The main rule (though there are others) is that you can't post something that's for sale. This is not a venue for free business advertising. We are just here to share our love of all things primitive. And be sure to link back to the party in your blog post or sidebar. You can grab our button by copying the HTML code in the box above and pasting it where you want it to display. But also please try to visit at least one or two of the other entries and leave comments on their blog, where applicable. One of the main goals of the link party is to send traffic to the blogs of the participants, so please stop by and pay some of them a visit. Now let's get this party started, shall we?

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