25 July 2011

Primitive Mason Jar Sewing Kit

If you love to sew, or if you know someone else who does, here's a great project to keep on your list of Primitive Gifts you can give. It's my Primitive Mason Jar Sewing Kit. It combines my love of Mason Jars with my love of primitives and Vintage Goods, and some Rusty Tin too!

Primitive Mason Jar Sewing Kit

To make this you just need a vintage (or vintage-looking) Mason Jar, a rusty tin frog lid, a rusty tin heart, light gauge rusty wire (or any light gauge craft wire), fiberfill, a circle of your desired fabric--cut to the width of the inner top of the frog lid, scraps of fabric, an old spool of thread, various sewing notions, and hot glue.

The first thing I did was to work on turning the rusty tin frog lid into a pin cushion. I did this by first cutting 2 lengths of rusty wire a bit longer than the width of the lid (an inch or two longer or so). I attached each piece to the wire on the frog lid using needle nose pliers from underneath the lid. Once they were both attached I left the lid upside down, and then I took the circle of vintage-looking floral fabric I used and laid that on the mesh of the lid. Then I took a handful of fiberfill and formed it into a ball, and then pressed it into the concave area of the lid to make it fill the space. Once it was where I wanted it to be, I took each length of rusty wire that I previously attached (one at a time) and bent it back and forth and around over the exposed fiberfill, pushing it down so it would be flat and as even as possible with the base of the lid. The wire holds all the fiberfill in place, and helps keep it from being visible from the outside of the jar, so you want it tucked in as flat as possible. And using wire made it a quick and easy way to get all that fiberfill and the fabric to stay put.

Once the work of the pin cushion part of the lid was finished, I added a coordinating scrap of fabric to the edge of it, and then hot glued on a rusty tin heart. Then all that was left was to add the sewing notions to the jar. I added two scraps of fabric, each tied with torn strips of muslin. I also added a vintage clothespin tied up with homespun. I added a vintage spool of thread, a vintage thimble, and some wooden buttons too. You could add as many sewing notions as you want...needles, straight pins, tape measure, rusty safety pins, whatever!

Everything in this Mason Jar could be used for a prim or vintage sewing or craft project. And of course the top can be used as a pin cushion. But it would also just look cute as Primitive Home Decor in someone's laundry room or sewing room.

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