24 May 2013

Mason Jar Candles

I was shopping at the local Menards store the other day and came across a great find. It was a box of 3 Mason Jars, a larger size, with a wire handle at the top. They were only $5 for the box of 3, which was just too good of a deal to pass up! So I bought a set.

Mason Jar Candles

I grabbed some cinnamon sticks and a votive candle to add to one of the jars. Isn't it cool? Now granted, I could have used any one of the many Mason Jars I already have in my studio to do this. But 3 jars, with handles, for $5? Come on. I had to! And these are bigger than regular Mason Jars, so it gave me more room at the top to get my hand in there.

I can use these outside on the patio, or hang them on the porch, or anywhere inside the house too, and I can even change out the cinnamon sticks for rosehips or putka pods, or you name it! Even some simple potpourri would look cute in there. That is what I call a great Primitive Find!