15 August 2011

Primitive Putkas in a Jar

It's the middle of August, and for me, that means it is time to start thinking about Fall, and Primitive Fall crafting! And one of my favorite things to make (and to give as Primitive Gifts) are my Primitive Putkas in a Jar.


Now you're probably going to want the Primitive Recipe for how to scent these cute little Prim Fixins, right? It is so super easy! Here's all you need.

  • 2 Cups or so of Putka Pods (will vary depending on the size of your jar)
  • A bowl for mixing (glass is best, to make sure the fragrance oil doesn't stain or ruin the bowl!)
  • 1-2 TBSP of Fragrance Oil (I love Pumpkin Pie scent, but any Fall scent will do)
  • A Mason jar with a rusty frog lid
  • A spoon
  • A piece of plastic wrap, just big enough to cover the top of the jar
  • A strip of homespun
Now all you do is add your Putka Pods to the bowl. And before you add your fragrance oil, know this: Putkas are very porous, so they will absorb a lot of oil; AND, it doesn't take a lot of oil to scent these pumpkin-like pods--a little goes a long way, so don't overdo it! Add in a little fragrance oil and stir. You will be surprised at how little it takes to scent these pods, and the scent will last quite awhile because they're so porous. You don't want your pods to be oily and slimy though, just scented. So add a little oil at a time and stir well. Then pour them into your jar. Cover the top of the jar with the plastic wrap and then put the lid on. You can then time your homespun to the rim of the lid, or the jar neck, your choice. And that's it!

One more side note...the plastic on the top of the jar is only added if you're giving the putka jar as a gift. It'll prevent any small pods from falling out. But if you're making this for yourself, the plastic is not necessary. Just set the jar with the frog lid wherever you want it and enjoy.

ETA: I order these pods online...I've never seen them in any local craft stores. Below are some sources for these Putka Pods online.

You can also usually find them on Etsy, Ebay, and Amazon. You can also find the rusty frog lids on Ebay, Etsy, Amazon, and RustyTin.com. And if you do a Google search for Rusty Frog Lid, you'll get lots of results.

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